SEO Copywriting Services

Driving Organic Results for Your Business

Even if you don’t realize it, you are already familiar with SEO copywriting services in the context of content marketing. The term refers to the process of writing copy to persuade your target audience to take a certain action: like buying a product or service, signing up for a newsletter, or calling your business directly.

You may also know that copywriting has an equally crucial role in search engine optimization or SEO. This means that your website and its articles are engineered to help search engines like Google better understand and display your content. SEO is all about getting your content to appear more readily to the people searching for it, leading to more organic traffic coming to your website.

Effective copy and content writing are key elements of your website – and organic traffic can mean 50% (or more) of your overall website traffic!

But have you ever wondered what goes into creating high-quality SEO copy? Keep reading our actionable, hack-packed guide to discover everything you need to know about writing copy Google loves, incorporating keywords relevant to your business to attract potential clients and improve search rankings, and how our team at Content Source can help you grow your business to the next level with SEO copy written in the language of your brand or business!

What is SEO Copywriting?

Are you still wondering about SEO copywriting and its importance? The basic overview is this: your web writing should be done so that it shows up for the people searching for the things that matter to you. If it doesn’t, your website is costing your business money, by not generating it effectively.

The need for website copy covers a wide range of content creation tasks, from writing headlines to homepages, blog posts, and landing pages to content marketing materials such as social posts, landing pages, and ads. More on ways to optimize each of these later, but remember that Content Source can help you plan and write most, if not all, of these materials!

How does SEO copywriting help to increase organic traffic?

Google searches mobile vs desktop graph from backlinko

Website copy and internet blog content need to be optimized for search engines so that they appear higher in the results shown to those searching. Your brand or business wants its results to be as close to the top of the screen as possible, as the top three positions in Google organic results get 50% of the overall clicks!

This helps to increase the visibility of your content, resulting in more organic traffic. A skilled SEO copywriter can be a huge growth driver for your site and is a pillar of solid content strategies to represent your brand online. Incorporating relevant keywords effectively through SEO copywriting is essential for achieving higher rankings in search engine results and driving organic traffic to your site.

What are the best practices for creating SEO-friendly content?

While the best practices for a piece of content can vary from niche to niche, and even among topics, these are some general guidelines to consider:

  • Keep your content concise and focused on the topic – avoid jargon and buzzwords, and write in a conversational style that’s easy to understand.
  • Break up paragraphs into readable sizes. No more than five sentences unless they are quite short. This especially helps readability on mobile devices.
  • Use keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner or Semrush to find relevant words and phrases that will attract visitors.
  • Use headers, subheaders, bullet points, bolding, italicizing, etc. to draw attention to key points
  • Create and add visuals – image maps, charts, infographics, graphs, photos – and place them strategically – they can help to clarify ideas and add emphasis.
  • Avoid duplicate content where possible, on your site and from any other sources – this can hurt your overall site results. Make sure to keep topic clusters or ‘silos’ of topics as a part of your content creation process to better let Google know what your site represents.
  • Include links back to original sources whenever possible – this helps users research the topic further and can help generate backlinks in return.
  • Avoid using keyword stuffing or keyword advertising when writing blog posts or landing pages, and make sure to follow a conversion-generating framework to drive truly great copy!

It’s crucial to emphasize the importance of writing SEO copy that incorporates relevant keywords without resorting to keyword stuffing, to enhance brand visibility and improve search rankings effectively.

Seven Core Areas to Consider in SEO Copywriting

SEO copywriting services as shown by a writer for Content Source marketing with laptop and notebook

For your digital marketing, it’s vital to have a skilled team of writers who understand copywriting with SEO in mind. The importance of professional SEO copywriters cannot be overstated, as they develop content that generates leads and encourages reader action through expert keyword research and SEO strategies to improve online presence.

And you can always supplement your efforts with a freelance SEO copywriter, or even a freelancer team if needed!

Next, we will review the six elements of SEO copywriting, which include researching keywords and understanding your target audience’s search intent, writing content that is easy to read and engaging, structuring your copy with correct formatting and headings, optimizing page titles, meta descriptions, and URLs for better search rankings, and monitoring performance to make adjustments when needed.

With this knowledge of copywriting in hand, you will better understand how to create high-quality content that can drive organic results for your business.

1) Site Speed

When it comes to getting a website noticed online, one of the most important factors is page load time, particularly for mobile users. This refers to the time a page takes to load on a user’s device and can significantly impact how fast and engaging the experience is.

The best way to optimize website pages for faster page load times is through the use of compressed images, minimized custom style scripts, and paring down unnecessary elements of the website.

There should be no linking, image, or schema errors on the page, which can also help reduce page load time.

2) Headline Copy

Headline being written as concept of copywriting for website content with image from werner moser on pixabay

Understanding the power of headlines in SEO-optimized web copywriting can be a difference-maker in driving organic results for your business.

As you write content for your website, consider keyword research as one of the most important steps in crafting engaging and SEO-friendly copy.

Pay special attention to the headline of your piece, as this is often the first impression customers have of your content. Once you’ve identified keywords to target, use them in a strategic way to position your piece as a valuable resource to potential audiences. In particular, consider using long-tail phrases and keywords together to create powerful call-to-action statements and capture the audience’s attention.

Use subheadlines to highlight the important points of your copy. These can be used to leverage keyword relevance and enhance reader engagement.

As you craft copy for your website, use these tips and techniques to optimize it for search engines and generate results, organically, for your business.

3) SEO Content Strategy

Create a design for your website and build out that plans where you want to be in three months, six months, and a year. Your website copywriting should reflect your brand and business, and cover the topics and keywords that matter to you and your target audiences. For sustainable success, your website’s copy must possess both consistency and scalability.

  • Quality: Ensure that your content is high in quality and use keyword-based headlines and descriptions to optimize it for search engines. Also, consider using images and videos when creating content for social media platforms.
  • Optimization: As with any digital marketing initiative, it’s vital to optimize content for search engines using strategic keyword placement and meta descriptions. This can help to improve the visibility of your content in search results.
  • Promotion: After creating content, it’s important to promote it through social media, email campaigns, and other outreach strategies. This will help to increase the visibility of your content and ultimately drive organic results for your business

4) Meta Description

Same meta descriptions on different web pages in SERPs from Moz

Meta descriptions are also a part of SEO copywriting. These are the introductory text copy of a web page’s content, and they’re used to outline the content’s purpose and audience in a concise manner.

When you see a topic on Google, the website’s copy is summarized in a space of 155 to 160 characters by either a copywriter or web admin. Or not. In some cases, Google will replace this text with their own interpretation of what your site says, or use your headings in place of a submitted meta. But it’s still considered best practices for overall SEO and site wellness to make compact, well-written meta descriptions.

They’re also used to attract potential visitors to a website and increase organic search traffic. Meta descriptions shouldn’t be ignored, and they still play an important role in web page optimization.

5) Keyword Frequency

Sites such as Wordstream suggest that keyword frequency should be about once every 200 words for the main keyword or keyphrase. SEO tools for WordPress such as Yoast and Rank Math suggest similar frequencies, and the balancing of primary and secondary keywords, as well as the proper mix of semantic keywords.

Tools for SEO-optimized content writing like Surfer, Frase, and others can help you frame your writing and provide detailed outlines with the keywords your competition is using to rank. At Content Source, we are able to use Surfer effectively and other SEO tools to craft your content for ranking success!

6) Page Links

Using the right internal inbound links for SEO copywriting helps to drive organic results. This provides a valuable boost to the business’s overall digital marketing strategy and can help to generate more leads through enhanced traffic.

Linking along similar topics lets Google know your content is aligned and organized and provides both readers and search crawlers with handy references to follow.

That is why using the right links for SEO copywriting is vital for driving organic results and ensuring that businesses are ranking high on search engine result pages.

7) Keyword Research

A freelance SEO copywriters from Content Source helps his client map out organic search success

By incorporating the right keywords into your copywriting strategies, you can increase the visibility of your content and get better results overall. This will lead to a better position in the results shown by Google (and Bing too for that matter) and very likely lead to an increase in conversions.

  • Incorporate keywords into titles, headers, subheadings, product descriptions, content body, meta tags, even CTA language, sidebars, and other elements of a page.
  • Use synonyms and related phrases to expand your keyword reach without sounding repetitive.
  • Aim for keyword diversity, which means targeting multiple keywords with your content.
  • Monitor analytics to understand which phrases are performing best and adjust your copy accordingly.
  • Alter and improve your content to stay relevant as the competition tries to catch up

When it comes to keyword research, it’s important to incorporate both broad and specific keywords into your content so that you target the right topics with your web copywriting. Local and geographically relevant keywords are also important to include in your strategy when writing for SEO.

An Overview to Growing Your Organic Traffic

When it comes to attracting organic traffic, the most important thing is to develop engaging content. Implementing techniques such as keyword research and analyzing the audience’s search behavior can help you know which keywords to target in your content.

This will help you attract visitors looking for those terms, thereby increasing your chances of landing high-quality organic traffic. But it won’t necessarily keep visitors on your pages, or keep them coming back to your site.

By building authority and visibility through high-quality content, blog post links, and comment links, you can increase the chance of being found in search results by potential readers. This will lead to more visits to your site and more conversions.

Another way to bring in organic traffic is through social media marketing. By engaging with your audience through social media platforms, you can expand your reach and attract new audiences. This will help generate more organic traffic for your site.

These approaches to cultivating organic results can help build trust with website visitors before they even arrive, and make sure they stay long enough to consider your Calls to Action. SEO articles play a crucial role in driving organic traffic and generating leads by adhering to SEO best practices.

Writing SEO Content for Conversions

SEO copywriting services from Content Source bring a smile to the face of a small business owner

We’ve already established that SEO copywriting services are vital to improving the reach and effectiveness of your online marketing efforts. They can help write SEO content in a natural, engaging manner, with the goal of increasing click-through rates and conversions.

Effective SEO copywriting services will ensure that your content is written in a way that is both engaging and informative. This will help increase the chances of your content being shared and generating a positive response from your target audience.

By writing content that is both readable and relatable, you can improve the results of your online marketing efforts dramatically. It will ultimately lead to increased conversions and increased revenue growth for your brand, business, or service.

Get a Free SEO Copywriting Estimate

Get a free copywriting estimate from us and start driving organic results for your business with web copy that results in readers finding you online. Content Source offers content creation services incorporating web copy, blog writing services, social media marketing, and digital marketing strategies to help you reach your target audience and generate leads.

With years of experience in the industry, we have developed content creation strategies that can help businesses scale their content marketing efforts efficiently and effectively. We can create engaging blog posts, resource guides, social media content, landing pages, and more to drive audience engagement and conversions. Our content creation services are tailored to meet the unique needs of each client and enhance your existing digital marketing strategy.

Our copywriting experts can serve as your ad-hoc SEO strategists and help you achieve your desired results through creative ideas and guidance. Get a copywriting estimate from us and start driving organic results for your business with web copy that drives conversions today!

SEO Content Writing Services

Freelance SEO content writers at work on laptops for Content Source marketing

At Content Source, we offer high-quality website copy for clients interested in improving their online presence, and even marketers themselves. When it comes to copywriting services for SEO, there are a few important factors to consider. First and foremost, quality is key. Our team of experienced copywriters knows how to craft content that is both optimized for search engines and appealing to readers. They also know how to write content that is engaging and compelling, making it easier for people to take action from reading your website or blog post.

Besides writing high-quality content, another essential part of website content written for SEO is understanding the importance of keyword research and target audience analysis. We work closely with our clients to understand their target audience and write content that appeals to them. By aiding in keyword research and target audience analysis when needed, we can ensure that our copywriting services are relevant and effective.

Finally, copywriting services for SEO must be effective in growing organic search results, increasing website traffic, and ultimately converting more visitors into customers, fans, and future testimonials to your brand or business.

SEO Copywriting Services from Subject Matter Experts

If you’re looking to boost your website’s search engine optimization (SEO), a good place to start is with content writing services from our subject matter experts. Our professionals are well-versed in analyzing organic search results and will create in-depth articles and copy that target potential customers and help rank high in the search results.

The right copy can also help you target long-tail keywords, which are more specific than keyword phrases and are crucial for improving your chances of appearing in search results. By partnering with a content writing service like ours, you can ensure that your website’s content is optimized for search engine visibility and usability.

Web Copywriting: Written Around Your Brand

It’s a challenging task for any organization to keep up with the rapidly changing digital landscape. However, embracing digital marketing has become essential for companies today to grow their businesses. If you want to be successful in digital marketing, content writing is pivotal.

SEO copywriting can help you craft quality content that drives organic traffic and conversions. We are here to provide you with high-quality content writing services. Get a free estimate from our subject matter experts today!

FAQs on Copywriting and Search Engines

SEO Audit spelled out on tiles

How can I choose a good SEO copywriting service?

First, look for a copywriter who specializes in SEO and is knowledgeable about your niche. Make sure to find a copywriter or agency such as Content Source, who can deliver content that is optimized for search engines yet readable and engaging for your target audiences.

Second, make sure that the copywriter is familiar with your industry and the goals for your work. Clear guidelines and project details are essential for web writing success.

Third, it’s always wise to ask for samples of a writer or agency’s previous work to get an idea of their writing style and experience.

Take all these factors into consideration, and you will be well-suited to find a writer that meets the needs of your brand and website!

What are the benefits of hiring an SEO copywriting service?

SEO copywriting services can help you create content that is optimized for search and can help you rank higher in the SERPs, generate organic traffic, and increase website visibility.

Copywriting services such as Content Source have experience in creating content that engages readers and encourages them to take action and find your business online.

How much does it cost to hire an SEO copywriting service?

The price for hiring an SEO copywriting service varies depending on the scope and volume of the projects or articles needed. Factors like the length of content, amount of research needed, and turnaround time can influence the overall cost. Look for a service like Content Source, that charges flat rates for one-off projects and deals for monthly subscription packages!